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Below all articles published so far on EU Funds. If you are missing something, contact us!

How to report personnel unit costs in Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe offers beneficiaries the option to utilize personnel unit costs, streamlining and minimizing errors in cost declaration for staff in projects. This entails establishing a single predetermined daily rate for personnel, applicable across all staff involved in the project....

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What are Cross-KIC activities?

Cross-KIC projects aim at jointly driving strategic topics to promote European innovation while fostering collaboration and taking advantage of synergies within the EIT ecosystem. Cross-KIC activities refer to collaborative initiatives between the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) of the European...

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What are lump sums funding in Horizon Europe?

For some programmes, the European Commission is using lump sums funding in Horizon Europe. The European Commission gives the beneficiary a fixed amount of grant and the project is only evaluated at performance level, not from a financial point of...

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What is the logo of Horizon 2020?

One logo is necessary when communication in Horizon 2020: the EU flag. A small text “Funded by the European Union” is also necessary. This is stated in Art. 29.4 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement of Horizon 2020. 29.4 Information...

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How do audits work in Horizon Europe?

Audits are mandatory in Horizon Europe for entities that receive more than 430.000€ of grant from the EU. If successful, this audit delivers the entity a Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS) required by the EU. The CFS audit is...

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What is the Gender Equality Plan in Horizon Europe?

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) in Horizon Europe is a mandatory document for public bodies, higher education establishments, and research organisations. Only organisations from EU Member States or Associated countries are subjected to this obligation. It is recommended for private-for-profit...

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How to find the PIC number of an organization?

You can find the PIC number of any registered organization on the Funding & Tenders portal here. This database is the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) and allows you to find through its name the PIC number. You may...

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How to create a EU login?

A EU login is the official account necessary to register yourself to access digitally institutions of the European Union. It is simple and easy to create a EU login. Follow these 6 steps. Go to the official EU website to...

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Is Norway eligible for Horizon Europe?

Yes, Norway is eligible for Horizon Europe. On the 24th of December 2021, it has signed the agreement with the European Union to become a third country associated to Horizon Europe. Therefore, legal entities from Norway can receive EU funding...

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How are Horizon Europe proposals evaluated?

Each part of Horizon Europe proposals are evaluated in a different manner. Part A is going through an eligibility check and Part B is evaluated by European Commission (EC) external experts on specific criteria. Part A, which is made of...

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How are payments in Horizon Europe working?

In Horizon Europe, payments are done according to Article 22 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement. Payments are made according to the amounts budgeted, reported and accepted. The payments of Horizon Europe projects are made by the European Commission to...

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What countries are eligible for Horizon Europe?

There are three type of countries that are eligible for the Horizon Europe programme: EU Member States, Third countries associated and other third countries. EU Members States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,...

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Are extra payments eligible in Horizon Europe?

Extra payments are eligible in Horizon Europe under certain circumstances. They have to be registered in the accounting of the beneficiary for the reporting period as a cost. In the case of a payment that has an accrual period greater...

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What is the funding rate in Horizon Europe?

The funding rate of Horizon Europe projects depends on the type of project and on the nature of the beneficiary. It can vary substantially depending on the call the entity or person is applying to. Below a summary of the...

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What is a European Research Council (ERC) grant?

The European Research Council (ERC) provides financial support in form of grants to excellent researchers and their teams to promote vanguard research activities that have a high risk or high benefit potential. It is expected that the financed research leads...

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Where can I find the National Contact Points (NCPs)?

The National Contact Points (NCPs) for Horizon Europe can found on the European Commission website. The network of National Contact Points is the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in Horizon Europe....

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What are EIT RIS countries (Regional Innovation Scheme)?

RIS countries are countries that benefit from the Regional Innovation Scheme within the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) funding scheme. The EIT RIS scheme was introduced in 2014 to advance the innovation performance of more countries and their...

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What is the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP)?

The Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) is the phase that starts once you receive the evaluation summary report (ESR) from the European Commission that states that your proposal has been funded. Now, jointly with the European Commission, the coordinator of the...

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Where can I find the MGA of Horizon Europe?

The MGA of Horizon Europe, MGA standing for Model Grant Agreement, is a guide aimed at assisting EU grant beneficiaries. It is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the binding legal agreements themselves, nor professional...

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How to do a Data Management Plan in Horizon 2020?

The Data Management Plan in Horizon 2020 is a key element of good data management. A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by a project. Download the...

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What is a LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative)?

A LEAR is a Legal Entity Appointed Representative. This is a person appointed by its legal representative (CEO, Rector, Director General) to manage the legal and financial information about the organisation (i.e. change address), manage access rights of persons in...

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Does de minimis aid affect participation in EU projects?

De minimis aid State aid and the de minimis aid criteria only apply to ‘state resources’ whereas resources centrally managed by EU institutions do not constitute state resources. Centrally managed programmes by the European Commission or its Agencies, such as...

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How to report budget shifts in EU projects?

Important budget shifts in EU projects should be reported to the coordinator and the coordinator should report it to the funding authority (i.e. European Commission) and request an amendment of the Grant Agreement. As a general rule, important budget shifts...

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What is Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe 9th framework programme of the European Union (EU) and is its main funding tool for research and innovation with a budget of 95.5€ billion spanning from 2021 to 2027. Through financing research and innovation projects, Horizon Europe tackles...

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Are sick leaves eligible in Horizon Europe?

Sick leaves in Horizon Europe are eligible if they are an actual cost for your entity. According to the Annotated Model Grant Agreement, you may not include any part of the remuneration which has not been an actual cost for...

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How to change the bank account in a grant agreement?

To change a bank account in a grant agreement (Life, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.), you have to submit a new financial identification form. The financial identification form is the official document provided by the European Union (EU) to be...

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How to complete the Funding sheet in a Life Project?

When filling the Funding Sheet in a Life Project, a sheet part of the templates provided by the European Commission, some additional information might be helpful. For the coordinator, the consolidated financial statement template is available here and the guidelines...

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How and when to encode personnel costs in a Life Project?

When reporting personnel costs in a Life Project, you have to use the templates provided by the European Commission. For the coordinator, the consolidated financial statement template is available here and the guidelines for the coordinating beneficiary is available here...

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What is the LIFE Programme of the European Union?

The LIFE Programme of the European Union, officially called Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) was created in 1992. It is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action, which has co-financed more than 5,000 projects...

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When do I have to put the EU flag in Horizon Europe?

The EU flag in Horizon Europe is mandatory for communication and dissemination activities as well as infrastructure, equipment, vehicles, supplies or major result funded by the grant. The EU flag must be clearly visible as well as the text next...

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Can I pay employees more in Horizon Europe projects?

Yes, under certain circumstances there is a possibility to pay employees more in Horizon Europe projects, it is called the project-based remuneration. For programmes with standard rules for supplementary payments: The personnel costs may also include supplementary payments for personnel...

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Is budget deviation a problem in Horizon Europe?

Budget deviation is not necessarily a problem in Horizon Europe. It depends on the size of the deviation. This budget deviation will be visible when doing the financial (intermediary or final) reporting. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to...

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What costs are eligible or ineligible in Horizon Europe?

Costs can be eligible or ineligible in Horizon Europe depending on their nature. There are five eligible cost categories in Horizon Europe: personnel, subcontracting, purchase, other, and indirect costs. The detailed list is available in the General Model Grant Agreement...

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How to run a CFS audit in Horizon 2020?

In Horizon 2020, if your entity received more than 325.000€ of grant, you will have to submit a certificate on the financial statements (CFS) to the European Commission (EC) during the final reporting. To obtain such certificate, you need to...

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What are the main steps of a EU project?

The main steps of an EU project depend on the call and on the program. Some calls have rather long and complex processes whereas other shorter. In this case we will take the example of a Horizon Europe project, as...

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What are the different kinds of EU grant participants?

Depending on the programme and type of action, there are different kinds of EU grant participants. Entities can participate in various roles: as coordinator, beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated partners, in-kind contributors, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties....

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Where can I find the AMGA of Horizon Europe?

The AMGA of Horizon Europe, AMGA standing for Annotated Model Grant Agreement, is a guide aimed at assisting EU grant beneficiaries. It is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to replace the binding legal agreements themselves, nor...

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Is Switzerland eligible for Horizon Europe?

No, Switzerland is not eligible for Horizon Europe, as it has not signed the agreement with the European Union to become a third country associated to Horizon Europe. Therefore, legal entities from Switzerland cannot receive EU funding in Horizon Europe...

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Is Israel eligible for Horizon Europe?

Yes, Israel is now eligible for Horizon Europe. On the 6th of December 2021, it has signed the agreement with the European Union to become a third country associated to Horizon Europe. Therefore, legal entities from Israel can receive EU...

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How to avoid errors when reporting personnel costs?

When reporting personnel costs in Horizon 2020 projects, attention must be paid in order to avoid errors. Most of the errors made are because of a misunderstanding of the rules, unawareness of the specificity of the rules, or intentional. Because...

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How to report personnel costs in Horizon 2020?

To report personnel costs in Horizon 2020 is not necessarily a simple thing. Personnel costs is the cost of the time worked for the Horizon 2020 project by employees, seconded staff, SME owners, and consultants. There are different manners to...

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Why are Horizon 2020 rules still important?

Horizon 2020 rules are still important today because many research projects are still running. Horizon Europe might have started since the 1st of January 2021 but all projects launched before will be running in the upcoming years. Given that the...

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Is invoicing between partners allowed in Horizon Europe?

Invoicing between partners is in general not allowed within Horizon Europe. According to the Annotated Model Grant Agreement of Horizon Europe, purchases or invoicing between beneficiaries is not considered eligible as there is the risk of double funding or charging...

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How to justify external experts in Horizon Europe?

External experts in Horizon Europe are usually justified as other goods, works and services. However, this can depend on the type of contract your entity makes with the supplier. Therefore, external experts in Horizon Europe can be justified under three...

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What are Receipts in Horizon Europe?

Receipts in Horizon Europe means revenue. According to the Financial Regulation of the EU, receipts are limited to the Union grant and the revenue generated by the project. According to this regulation it is important to remember that non-profit organizations...

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What is the project-based remuneration in Horizon Europe?

Project-based remuneration in Horizon Europe is inherited from Horizon 2020 known as additional remuneration. It is a usual remuneration practice of a beneficiary under which an employee receives supplementary payments for working in a Horizon Europe project. As an example,...

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Are rewards eligible under Horizon Europe?

Yes, in general rewards are eligible under Horizon Europe. Rewards could fall under the category prizes D.1 Financial support to third parties. It is important to ensure objective and transparent selection procedures and include at least the eligibility and award...

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What costs are eligible in Horizon Europe?

There are five eligible cost categories in Horizon Europe: personnel, subcontracting, purchase, other, and indirect costs. Below the complete list of costs eligible in Horizon Europe with extract from the General Model Grant Agreement GMGA Article 6.2 – Specific eligibility...

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How to convert hours into days in Horizon Europe?

Convert the hours worked into days in Horizon Europe when reporting personnel costs can be done in three different ways. Option 1: we convert the number of hours that the person must work per day according to its contract. Example:...

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Are in-kind contributions eligible in Horizon Europe?

Yes, in-kind contributions provided by third parties against payment or free of charge are eligible in Horizon Europe. In-kind contributions are good or services that a third party, meaning an entity that is not part of the consortium, is providing...

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Are internal invoices eligible in Horizon Europe?

Yes, internal invoices are eligible in Horizon Europe. Officially known as internally invoiced goods and services, they correspond to the category D.2, according to article 6.2 of the General Model Grant Agreement (GMGA) of Horizon Europe. These are goods and...

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What is an Associated Partner in Horizon Europe?

An Associated Partner in Horizon Europe is an international partner in Horizon 2020. An Associated Partner (AP) is an entity that works for the EU project but cannot declare costs and needs to have its own budget. It can be...

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What is an Affiliated Entity in Horizon Europe?

An Affiliated Entity in Horizon Europe is a Linked Third Party under Horizon 2020. It is an entity that has a link with a beneficiary, in particular legal or capital link, which is neither limited to the project nor is...

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What are the missions of Horizon Europe?

The missions of Horizon Europe are commitments to solve some of the greatest challenges facing our world like fighting cancer, adapting to climate change, protecting our oceans, living in greener cities and ensuring soil health and food.  They are an integral...

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Where can I find the Horizon Europe Work Programmes?

The Horizon Europe Work Programmes can be downloaded from the Funding and Tenders portal of the European Commission. This page includes reference documents of the programmes managed on the EU Funding & Tenders portal starting with legal documents and the...

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What is the budget of Horizon Europe?

The total budget of Horizon Europe is of 95.5 billion euros. It spans over 2021 until 2027 and includes 5.4 billion euros from Next Generation Europe (NGEU) programme, the EU programme for the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Below a...

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Can a single individual participate in Horizon Europe?

No, a single individual cannot participate in Horizon Europe. Most EU funding programmes require that participants (including beneficiaries and affiliated entities) are legal entities such as public or private bodies, including international organisations. Therefore, a single individual cannot participate in...

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What are associated countries in Horizon Europe?

Associated countries to Horizon Europe are countries that signed an agreement with the European Union. This allows legal entities from these associated countries to participate under equivalent conditions as legal entities from the EU Member States, unless specific limitations or...

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How to calculate personnel costs in Horizon Europe?

How to calculate personnel costs in Horizon Europe is the most important change compared to Horizon 2020. This excel template with fictitious numbers might be of great help. First, you have to calculate the daily rate of the person working...

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Is VAT eligible in Horizon Europe?

Yes, VAT is eligible in Horizon Europe, except when the beneficiary can deduct or refund the VAT (Value-Added Tax). According to article 6.3 of the Horizon Europe Model Grant Agreement, VAT is eligible in a Horizon Europe project. Beneficiaries can...

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