Horizon 2020

Below all articles published so far about Horizon 2020. If you are missing something, contact us!

What is the logo of Horizon 2020?

One logo is necessary when communication in Horizon 2020: the EU flag. A small text “Funded by the European Union” is also necessary. This is stated in Art. 29.4 of the Annotated Model Grant Agreement of Horizon 2020. 29.4 Information...

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How to do a Data Management Plan in Horizon 2020?

The Data Management Plan in Horizon 2020 is a key element of good data management. A Data Management Plan (DMP) describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by a project. Download the...

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How to run a CFS audit in Horizon 2020?

In Horizon 2020, if your entity received more than 325.000€ of grant, you will have to submit a certificate on the financial statements (CFS) to the European Commission (EC) during the final reporting. To obtain such certificate, you need to...

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How to avoid errors when reporting personnel costs?

When reporting personnel costs in Horizon 2020 projects, attention must be paid in order to avoid errors. Most of the errors made are because of a misunderstanding of the rules, unawareness of the specificity of the rules, or intentional. Because...

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How to report personnel costs in Horizon 2020?

To report personnel costs in Horizon 2020 is not necessarily a simple thing. Personnel costs is the cost of the time worked for the Horizon 2020 project by employees, seconded staff, SME owners, and consultants. There are different manners to...

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Why are Horizon 2020 rules still important?

Horizon 2020 rules are still important today because many research projects are still running. Horizon Europe might have started since the 1st of January 2021 but all projects launched before will be running in the upcoming years. Given that the...

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Can a coordinator subcontract project management tasks?

No, in general the coordinator cannot subcontract the project management tasks in Horizon Europe. The coordinator has to make sure the project is implemented correctly and manage it effectively. Furthermore, it should act as an intermediary for all communications between...

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