
Below all articles published so far about the Administration. If you are missing something, contact us!

How to report personnel unit costs in Horizon Europe?

Horizon Europe offers beneficiaries the option to utilize personnel unit costs, streamlining and minimizing errors in cost declaration for staff in projects. This entails establishing a single predetermined daily rate for personnel, applicable across all staff involved in the project....

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How to find the PIC number of an organization?

You can find the PIC number of any registered organization on the Funding & Tenders portal here. This database is the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) and allows you to find through its name the PIC number. You may...

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How to create a EU login?

A EU login is the official account necessary to register yourself to access digitally institutions of the European Union. It is simple and easy to create a EU login. Follow these 6 steps. Go to the official EU website to...

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Do I have to pay taxes after receiving a EU grant?

If an entity has to pay taxes after receiving a EU grant depends on the situation of the company and the country of origin. European subsidies such as Horizon Europe funds make up a component of the taxable income of...

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What is the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP)?

The Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) is the phase that starts once you receive the evaluation summary report (ESR) from the European Commission that states that your proposal has been funded. Now, jointly with the European Commission, the coordinator of the...

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What is a LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative)?

A LEAR is a Legal Entity Appointed Representative. This is a person appointed by its legal representative (CEO, Rector, Director General) to manage the legal and financial information about the organisation (i.e. change address), manage access rights of persons in...

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Does de minimis aid affect participation in EU projects?

De minimis aid State aid and the de minimis aid criteria only apply to ‘state resources’ whereas resources centrally managed by EU institutions do not constitute state resources. Centrally managed programmes by the European Commission or its Agencies, such as...

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How to report budget shifts in EU projects?

Important budget shifts in EU projects should be reported to the coordinator and the coordinator should report it to the funding authority (i.e. European Commission) and request an amendment of the Grant Agreement. As a general rule, important budget shifts...

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How to change the bank account in a grant agreement?

To change a bank account in a grant agreement (Life, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.), you have to submit a new financial identification form. The financial identification form is the official document provided by the European Union (EU) to be...

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What is the difference between communication and dissemination?

In European research and innovation projects, especially Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020, the dissemination and communication of results is mandatory. According to article 17 of the Horizon Europe grant agreement and article 29.1 of the Horizon 2020 grant agreement, each...

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What are the main steps of a EU project?

The main steps of an EU project depend on the call and on the program. Some calls have rather long and complex processes whereas other shorter. In this case we will take the example of a Horizon Europe project, as...

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What are the different kinds of EU grant participants?

Depending on the programme and type of action, there are different kinds of EU grant participants. Entities can participate in various roles: as coordinator, beneficiaries, affiliated entities, associated partners, in-kind contributors, subcontractors or recipients of financial support to third parties....

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