Yes, in general rewards are eligible under Horizon Europe. Rewards could fall under the category prizes D.1 Financial support to third parties. It is important to ensure objective and transparent selection procedures and include at least the eligibility and award criteria, the amount of the prize, and the payment arrangements.
To know if your reward is eligible in Horizon Europe, check the conditions below.
GMGA Article 6.2 – D. Other cost categories
D.1 Financial support to third parties
Costs for providing financial support to third parties (in the form of grants, prizes or similar forms of support; if any) are eligible, if and as declared eligible in the call conditions, if they fulfil the general eligibility conditions, are calculated on the basis of the costs actually incurred and the support is implemented in accordance with the conditions set out in Annex 1.
These conditions must ensure objective and transparent selection procedures and include at least the following:
for grants (or similar):
- (i) the maximum amount of financial support for each third party (‘recipient’); this amount may not exceed the amount set out in the Data Sheet (see Point 3) or otherwise agreed with the granting authority
- (ii) the criteria for calculating the exact amount of the financial support
- (iii) the different types of activity that qualify for financial support, on the basis of a closed list
- (iv) the persons or categories of persons that will be supported and
- (v) the criteria and procedures for giving financial support
for prizes (or similar):
- (i) the eligibility and award criteria
- (ii) the amount of the prize and
- (iii) the payment arrangements.
This cost will not be taken into account for the indirect cost flat-rate.