You can find the PIC number of any registered organization on the Funding & Tenders portal here. This database is the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) and allows you to find through its name the PIC number.
You may enter the complete or partial organization name (e.g. “Oxford” or “University of Oxford”) and optionally select a country. You cannot search by country only. Organization names have to be in English or in the national language.
There is also the option of an advanced search where you can find the PIC number with the help of the VAT number, the city, registration number or Erasmus code.
If an organization does not appear in the list, it might be because it is not registered or you don’t have the correct name. In this case, contact the organization directly.
The PIC number is the Participant Identification Code that you need to create for any organization applying for European funds. is a 9-digit number that serves as a unique identifier for legal entities participating in European funding programmes. A PIC number has no expiry date.
If you would like to know how to get a PIC number for your organization, click here. We create a simple guide to follow.